Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Weekend excursions

This weekend, Susan and I went to Chester, which is a charming walled city with lots of medieval buildings and some Roman ruins and history. It was an easy 45-minute train ride from Liverpool, so it made for a good last-minute day trip. We took a stroll around the wall of the city, were a bit non-plussed by the Roman ruins, and were surprised to stumble upon a horse race entirely viewable from the city wall at England's first ever race course (built in 1549 or something like that?). I took some photos and posted them here: http://picasaweb.google.com/barckhoff/ChesterEngland.

We also ventured to New Brighton because Susan had a hankering for the ocean. We just strolled along the promenade in the afternoon, but aside from a nice walk, it wasn't terribly interesting. Surprisingly enough, when we got off the train, we found one of Susan's classmates walking back to the New Brighton train station. A small-world moment. We had a late start to our day, so we didn't make it to West Kirby as we'd initially planned, which was a bit further and is better when the tides are low (in order to venture off to Hilbre Islands).

I've also posted some other photos of Liverpool. I'll probably continue to post photos of Liverpool in this same album, as they come. http://picasaweb.google.com/barckhoff/Liverpool2007.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Yank & Kiwi,
We are enjoying the great pictures back in the states, keep them coming!
Lisa, Billy, Catherine & Emily