Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Hello from Melbourne!

Yes, we have landed safely in Melbourne, Australia -- just got in the night before last. It's about 9:30 AM on Thursday here now (16 hours ahead of EST). The weather is warm, but not quite sunny yet. Yesterday, there were a few sprinkles of rain mixed in with sunny spells. This morning we're getting some nice thunderstorms (I do like a good summer thurnderstorm). Yesterday, we wandered around St. Kilda, where Susan's brother Joff lives. It's a nice little section of Melbourne with it's own beach -- the water is quite calm and there weren't really any waves coming in. We didn't go swimming, but it seemed the water is quite warm, the way folks were just standing around in it. We sat along the beach for a picnic lunch and had dinner at a veggie restaurant called Soul Mama that Joff's girlfriend Min recommended. You choose a bowl size and then go to this buffet and get to select a number of items (depending on which size bowl you bought) from the buffet -- it was hard to choose and it was all very good! I had a nice ale (Mountain Goat Ale) to go along with it. We're still a bit jet lagged, so had an early evening.

So far, I'm liking it much better than Liverpool. Good food, real coffee (I had some really bad coffee experiences the last few days in England), real beer, and people living "alternative" lifestyles... Ah... it's good to be in a normal environment again! Today, we'll venture into the city and get some SIM cards and some cheap flip-flops for me (I have no sandals here).

No pictures yet, but I'll try to take some after the weather clears up a bit. In the meantime, here's a link to a website with some pics:

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