Friday, January 4, 2008

Last Stop: Brisbane

Hello World!

Susan and I made it to Brisbane on Tuesday -- it's been pouring with rain the whole time (which is a good thing, since there's been a drought here) and we haven't really had easy access to the internet. We've been trying to get around to look for a place to live, but it's been a bit messy waiting for buses in the rain! We've been staying with Susan's friend's father who has the big family home to himself and he seems quite glad to have our company. He's been very generous for opening his home to us. They don't observe daylight savings here, so it gets light very early in the morning and there are lots of different sounding birds, so poor Susan has been waking up way earlier than she wants to, but hopefully she'll get back to a better sleep schedule soon.

Last night, we had dinner at Susan's colleague's (David) house -- he's the guy that picked up all our stuff that we shipped from the U.S. We met him and his wife and two of his colleagues -- they were all very nice and I felt right at home with them. David and his family lived in Pittsburgh for 10 years, so it was fun talking with them about my home town. We were reunited with our U.S. shipment and I checked to make sure that one of my bass guitars arrived in one piece (it did) and we retrieved some of our summer clothes so that we have more clothes to wear.

I've been visiting the schools that I applied to -- I decided that I'm not so crazy about Central Queensland University and may go to Queensland University of Technology or University of Queensland instead. I went to QUT to talk to the folks there today and I like it much better. I haven't gone to UQ yet to check it out, but will probably do that on Monday.

Currently, we have very limited access to the internet, so I will keep this update short, but just wanted to let folks know we're here and doing fine -- the Aussies are very friendly and have been quite generous. Hopefully, we will be able to find our own place to live soon so that we can get settled in.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mary Anne and Susan,

Grandma Sroka past away today(January 4, 2008) at 10am. Once she returned from the hospital stay, she never recovered.
The funeral most likely will be Monday & Tuesday. Your mom & dad are holding-up.

We miss you!

Anonymous said...

Hey girl I've been wondering if y'all got to Brisbane. Let me know when you have regular internet access. Dr Susan sent me some fancy skype thingy and I can't wait to try it with you. Glad to hear about the rain!

Brinikitty sends her love and licks. we'll catch you on the flipside.